Friday, September 28, 2012

Sicky Sick-a-roo

So I've been sick this week. But I can give you a recap of events.  Wednesday I had to go to Hirschbach for a safety meeting.  The kids, Grandpa Messer and I went to the farm until then.
We found out that Grandpa's new truck is red, the color of the week.

All strapped in for a 4 wheeler ride.

Thursday was mostly business as usual.  Still sick.  So I found some pumpkin medicine. Gavin enjoyed the new easel from Grandma Jean.  A true work of art!
Tommyknocker Brewery, Small Patch Pumpkin Harvest Ale

Once he got going, he really liked it.
The final product.

Thursday night, Melissa decided Logan needed a haircut. He wanted a mohawk like his awesome dad. Today, he said he wanted it to be "sharp like a chainsaw so I can cut down a cactus."

And now it's Friday.  He are a few red things we found on the way to the park.
It took all week, but they finally realized stop signs are red
The spider became our friend.

I finally got the OER data on a rollover we had like 2 weeks ago.  I broke that down and applied my two cents to it.  I'd say it's the drivers fault, too fast for conditions and what not.  The biggest issue that I had was that when he crashed he severed the connection from his OER.  So until it was recovered and plugged in at the office we had no idea what happened.  Now we do, so I'm sure there will someone who disagrees with my turn of events, but I don't care. They're not paying me to be agreeable, they're paying me to analyze data.

Peace out, (please send Nyquil)

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Two's day

Wow I'm tired this morning, a handful of calls last night really took me out of it. Probably doesn't help that I'm starting to feel sick.  Oh well, got up ran my reports, even though I would have rather stayed in bed.  Then I noticed the speed gauge report only had 1 incident. I'm giving it until 12:00 to fix itself (yes I know it's not going to fix itself), and then I'll contact the company to see what's up.

We got up went to the park and played

Gavin going down the slide

Gavin going up the slide

Logan running, "watch out for that trap"

playing with another kid

Hey look the letter "c"

playing together

Everyone following Logan.

Things were going well until Logan started throwing sand, then it all went downhill.  On the bright side we only had like 3 minutes left so we just packed up said goodbye and went home.  We talked about not throwing sand.  I think they got it, we'll find out next time the have the opportunity to throw sand on some kid.

Lunch is cooking, now time for some videos featuring our color "RED"

Monday, September 24, 2012

It's a new week

Up at 0500 running weekend reports.  We've got a nice thing going and a much better way to track driver performance.  This should help us to be able to total out how many drivers violate and for how long.  It's a step in the right direction for a drivers scorecard.  We'll be able to combine that with Miles Without Hours and PC violations to ranks the drivers and what not.

Now for the fun stuff.  This week our color is RED!!! and our letter is "C", and we're looking for BIG TRUCKS!!!!

We started off by reading my "c" book.  It's not the most exciting book on earth but it's go the letter "c" in it.
Then we watched some videos.  The kids and I have different opinions on what is cool.

I liked these

The kids liked these

but mostly this one (and I hated it)

After deciding on our colors and letters we bundled up and went to the park.

On the slide

Still on the slide

Don't tell mom, but I let Logan go down the big slide

Why the heck not, Love is good



Friday, September 21, 2012

Rainy day

So it was rainy today, we didn't get outside so we went upstairs and played and stuff.  This week color was yellow so we sang some songs and watched you tube videos.

And we learned about how yellow, isn't actually yellow.

Thursday, September 20, 2012


I don't know who told you we didn't do stuff yesterday?  They must have been lying to you, of course we did stuff yesterday  No I'm not lying, look I even have pictures.  First we went to the park, and this old guy got out of a yellow truck and followed us (Grandpa Messer).  Then we went to Hirschbach Motor Lines in East Dubuque, IL for driver appreciation days.  The kids got lots of free stuff and a ride in a big truck!

Yellow Truck

Hey, that line is yellow

CAUTION (in yellow)

These signs are everywhere - Logan
and they're yellow

Logan pushing Grandpa on the merry go round

Gavin's turn

Backwards down the slide

The kids on their truck ride!

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Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Cold morning

Day started earlier than I wanted it to with a call from a driver.  I must have had a bad connection because I had to repeat myself about 5 times, or maybe he doesn't listen and this is why he didn't learn it.
So then the kids got up and we had breakfast sang some silly songs and took a wagon ride to the park.  We found some "b"s some yellow.  But it was frakin cold so we came home early.

BRRRR, it's cold outside

Yellow chain

Yellow on the merry go round, went fast as rocket.

"B"oys on a"b"ench

"B"'s in those names

Copper "B"

Blue "B"

We weren't done yet, Logan wanted to learn about Mantis'. So we did, then lunch and a puzzle. But it wasn't this one, I can't find it.

And then he put together a puzzle.

Monday, September 17, 2012

Driver appreciation week!

So it's a new week, this one happens to be driver appreciation week.  On Wednesday the kids and I will be heading down to Hirschbach Motor Lines to make a special guest appearance.  If we're really lucky maybe we'll be able to get a ride in a truck!

In other news IT'S A NEW WEEK!  So that means new color, new letter, and bugs!

So this morning we watched a video on bugs, the kids thought it was "awesome"!

Our Color this week is Yellow
 Yellow sign and Packers helmets
 Yellow playground equipment
 Yellow balloon
Hey those kids are wearing yellow

This weeks letter is "b".  So we read my "b" book and searched for "b"'s.  We didn't have much luck,  but that's okay it's early in the week.

Logan drew a "B"

Friday, September 14, 2012


So it's Friday and the kids did a quick art project, then we played in the park for a bit.  Logan made friends with a Box Elder bug. Then it was off to the Dr's office for a follow up visit.  That went well, and Logan had a new personal best time racing down the hallway, 12 seconds! (Gavin came in second).  Ran some reports and what not, got news via facebook that one of our drivers rolled over his truck this morning.  Oh well, it's Friday (PS that driver is ok)
Logan's new friend
 Mario was at the Doctor's office!!
Art in progress
 All finished, yeah it's an "A"lligator