Friday, November 22, 2013

Yesterday was Blue

and more videos about blue:

then Gavin got bored to death and hated this day:

So he watched some Wild Kratts.

Grandpa Mike visited in the afternoon and Gavin hated him, but sometimes he loves him.
He's a crab.  

a lot

like really a lot.

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Ok, so today we did Gold. That was kind of a bust.  Here goes

After a short nap (from boredom) we did this

and then we decided to try for something fun

Which led me to wonder how much I was worth and it tells me
I am worth exactly $2,551,058

The followed up by some Wild Kratts:

And on the FMCSR part, I'm about to send out my speed blast and HOS blast.

Pretty much every truck is a computer, and it tracks all kinds of things. We use third party software to compare the actual speed of the truck to the posted limit of the road.  Then with that information I can use spreadsheet to match the truck numbers to the individual email of the truck and send a message to each driver detailing how many times they exceeded the speed limit in a week as a reminder.  

Very similar to this we track HOS and violations by hours minutes and second.  Each week I use a similar process as described above to reach out to each driver with a violation and let them know how many violations, what type of violation, and the total hours, minutes, and seconds they were in violation for the week.

As a result, many drivers do not like me.  The funny thing is they aren't in trouble for the violations, we're just sending them reminders to follow the posted limit to prevent citations, and reminders to follow the HOS regulations to keep them safe during an inspection or DOT audit.

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

So yeah, I got pretty lazy hey.  Gavin and I are going start things up again.

Gavin says his favorite color is Green soooo

Followed by some boring sciencey stuff:

Now for more fun stuff

AAAAND the classic (well my classic anyways)

And let's get sciencey again

And Followed up by some Wild Kratts on Netflix